Sustainability PR

Every business needs to focus on sustainability – not just in terms of tackling carbon emissions but communicating these efforts to customers and other key stakeholders.

You are making a difference. And we will help you to spread the word.

Communicating your sustainability success isn’t just about looking good; it’s about being part of a movement, spurring other members of the business community to follow suit. It’s about energising team members by demonstrating how they are contributing to the bigger picture. It’s about showing potential customers and employees what your company stands for. It’s about your identity.

We will collaborate closely with you and your team to put a comprehensive sustainability PR plan in place. With targeted messaging and thought-provoking media relations, we will amplify your achievements to the right audience, making you stand out as a sustainability change-maker.

Sustainability PR audit

We will conduct an audit of your external communications to determine your current sustainability reputation according to Irish media coverage, and where there is room for improvement.

Stakeholder mapping

We will help you to map out the key stakeholders and audiences who you need to be speaking to through your sustainability communications strategy.

Sustainability messaging

Our one-page sustainability messaging document will ensure you and your spokespeople get the key messages right and consistent in all sustainability communications.

Media strategy

We will devise a comprehensive media strategy that enables you to share your sustainability story with your target audience. From press releases announcing your latest milestones, to thought leadership articles that challenge accepted ways of thinking, our knowledge of the media landscape and close relationships with influential journalists will ensure you are getting noticed.

According to your aims, our media strategy will include:

  • Press releases
  • Opinion articles
  • Media partnerships
  • Media interviews with radio, print, online and podcast journalists

Owned research

Our team is experienced in crafting unique PR surveys with questions and themes that will result in thought-provoking research and media coverage. We will ask the questions that matter, analyse survey data and translate it into insightful whitepapers and reports that will position your organisation as a sustainability thought leader.


Through a combination of online PR, content creation and SEO, we will grow your sustainable reputation online. Regardless of what stage your prospective customers are in their purchasing journey, we will ensure they see you as the responsible provider of choice. Our digital service includes SEO-driven press releases, blogs, keyword research, social media and lead-generating downloadable reports.

Events, media roundtables and webinars

We want journalists to view you as a leading voice in sustainability. We will help you to organise media roundtables or events that inspire lively discussion and explore differing viewpoints. In doing so, we will engage journalists and establish your organisation as an authoritative source for the information they seek.