Working in PR in Comit

What’s it like to work in PR in Comit?

Novelist Anna Sewell said it’s good people that make good places, and I couldn’t agree more. To open a door of an office and be greeted with warmth and genuine interest in your wellbeing is what makes the work-day worthwhile, and let’s face it, more enjoyable. That’s what I’ve always gotten with Comit – a warm welcome topped off with a question about how I am. It makes all the difference and I’ve been lucky to experience that in Comit.

Since I started working here I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge about the world of PR, business and tech. I’ve honed in on my strategic thinking skills, have developed a PR mindset and have recognised the importance of PR for companies and the positive effect it can have. Reputation really is everything and being able to enhance that and shine a light on that for clients, is quite special.

I was new to PR before joining the company and now feel like I have a great grasp of what it all entails. I have grasped that because in Comit, everyone is a mentor. Regardless of their position in the business, they’re willing to help in any way they can.

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby

I have definitely been pushed to be the best I can be here. I don’t come from a tech or business background, so learning how to write about tech and corporate topics was challenging at first. That’s why mentoring and my colleagues were so important. They were patient with me, showed me the ropes and have given me the space to improve my skills and rise up to the challenge.

This is a testament to Comit’s culture.

Comit’s warm company culture

It’s underpinned by the decision to not conform to a hierarchical structure. Of course, as in any business, there are higher and lower positions, but that’s not a divide you notice in Comit. It’s a flat structure with constant collaboration. No idea is a stupid idea, and your ideas will be listened to.

A hierarchical structure can be intimidating – and that’s not the way it works here. Perhaps that’s the beauty of a smaller company too. You’re close with all your colleagues and everyone helps everyone. I would definitely say that good company culture I’ve experienced goes hand in hand with good colleagues.

One definite perk I’ve found to working here, is the adoption of the four-day week initiative. Our Freedom Friday really helps to improve work-life balance. For me personally, I get some life admin done. Whether it’s the washing, some shopping, a longer walk or more importantly, some me time. I take the chance to journal and just take a break! Weekends can be full of plans and hustle and bustle and I find myself needing time to unwind in between.

Once every seven weeks, each of us works a Friday. I’ve found that it’s nice to have the office to myself and to use Friday as a day of catching up and potentially getting things done that I may have put on the long finger.

As well as this, having a freedom Friday allows me to have longer visits when I go home to Mayo. I get to have an extra day with family and friends, which is always nice.

The hybrid mix is great too. Working two days in the office with the luxury of a sit-stand desk and nice coffee machine, plus two days at home is an ideal balance!

The work day 

In terms of the general workday at Comit, it’s always varied. I could be drafting or issuing a press release, identifying media opportunities for clients or attending client meetings. As well as this, I get to work on some of Comit’s social media, brainstorm PR ideas and have creative conversations with colleagues.

What’s important too – is having a laugh! Whether it’s joking about funny instances from the weekend, discussing the latest reality TV show updates or reminiscing on past experiences, we always find time to share stories and have a laugh.

Exciting and innovative clients

Working with nice colleagues makes all the difference, and so does working with nice clients. I’ve had the pleasure of working with fantastic innovative clients – from companies in the cybersecurity space, to digital transformation specialists to software experts. I’ve even had the chance to dabble in the realm of sustainability in tech.

Sustainability isn’t the first thing that springs to mind when you think of tech. But that has changed for me now, because of Comit’s involvement with Techies Go Green and the drive to make the tech sector a more sustainable place. It’s nice to be involved in something that really is trying to change the tech and corporate world for the better.

All in all, Comit helps tech companies grow their business and being a part of that growth over the last year has been wonderful. Watching projects come to life from the inception of an idea, to the creation of a project to then seeing that project receive deserved recognition is my favourite part of the process.

Comit has also certainly helped me grow, both personally and professionally. I’ve had the chance to meet great people, learn from them, be part of clients’ growth journeys and have learned so much about the world of PR.

At Comit, we lift each other up, we lift our clients up, and we share delight in everyone’s success. One quote that sums up the Comit way is “success is best when it’s shared” – Howard Schultz.


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