Why we love working in Comit

As Ireland’s leading technology PR agency, we have seen the industry thrive in recent years. We have helped to build and maintain reputations of some of the most successful Irish and global tech companies.

But what makes Comit so special? To find out, we thought there was no better group of people to ask then our very own team members. Here are some of the reason why we like working at Comit:

For Barry, it’s working with leading technology journalists:

Barry: “There are so many things I like about working with Comit, that it’s hard to choose! However, working with media is one area that I’d like to highlight. As we specialise in the tech space, it has allowed us to build strong and enjoyable relationships with a wide number of journalists and broadcasters over the years. It’s always exciting to share interesting client news with them and it’s a huge buzz when its published.  As an avid reader and news fiend, I’ve huge respect and admiration for the work they do.”

Helen enjoys collaborating with our amazing clients:

Helen: “I love the daily interactions we have with our clients. We work closely with so many team members in each organisation that we really feel like we are part of their team, as well as our own. That makes us better at our jobs, too, as we always want to get the best results for every client.

“We are lucky that our clients stay with Comit for many years, so we have built great relationships with each of them and count them as friends as well as loyal customers. Whether discussing what we had for dinner last night, or the latest advancements in robotics, our conversations are always varied and fun, and they keep us up-to-speed on what is happening in the technology world.”  

PR involves working on a range of tasks – something that Rebecca likes:

Rebecca: “While it’s hard to pick just one aspect, my favourite thing about working at Comit is the variety of work you get to do. When you think about PR, you might think it’s all about writing and issuing press releases, but it’s so much more than that. One day you could be doing that, but another day might see you in a national radio station with a client who’s doing an interview or outside at a photo shoot getting imagery for an upcoming event. The next day, you could be drafting a blog for a client’s website or supporting on an award application. There’s such a vast array of activities that Comit covers – no day is ever the same!”

Allan and Luke enjoy the open and collaborative nature of Comit:

Allan: “It is all about our people for me. I have the privilege of working with the most talented and committed group of PR people in the industry. The energy and quality of work from each and every one of our teammates is extraordinary. We enjoy an amazing team atmosphere and collaborative ethos. Everybody is always ready to help each other out at the drop of a hat. That’s a special thing and it doesn’t happen by accident. All our people are people people (please excuse the repetition but you know what I mean). We spend time with each other, and not just working time. We have a team lunch at least once a week and various nights out, away days and enjoy a few long leisurely lunches together during the year. We also have great craic enjoying activities such as Techies4TempleStreet digital treasure hunt around Dublin, breaking out of escape rooms, spa afternoons and the occasional big match in Aviva.”  

Luke: “No two days are the same in public relations and that variety keeps the working week exciting. However, it also means we are regularly faced with new challenges and have to make decisions where there often isn’t a clear and obvious choice. The support of the Comit team is a huge help when this is the case and it is one of the best things about working here.

“We have a team with a diverse background and range of experience. We also have a very open office and great communication throughout the team. It means when I face a difficult decision, I can throw it open to my colleagues, hear different perspectives, bounce ideas off each other and ultimately come to a more informed decision.

“Comit’s internal culture of openness and communication enables the team to work better and deliver better results for clients. What’s more, it’s the people you work with who make a job enjoyable. At Comit, I’m lucky to share an office with a fantastic and talented group of people.”

For Catherine, it’s all about working in the ever-evolving technology sector:

Catherine: “As a member of Ireland’s leading technology PR agency, it is hugely exciting to be a part of a sector that has flourished in recent years. Whether it’s a global enterprise announcing an innovative new service or a start-up expanding into new markets, I feel lucky to be involved in communicating some of the most exciting developments in the industry. “Technology companies have contributed a lot to the Irish economy over the years so it’s always a positive experience when we can share clients’ growth plans.

“Technology is such a fast-paced industry so it’s great that my job involves keeping up with new advances – whether that’s reading a high-profile interview or listening to experts at events.”

Comit is a dynamic and collaborative agency that is at the forefront of the Irish technology sector. We’re always looking for the best and brightest talent so if you’re interested in a career in tech PR, get in touch.

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