My PR internship in Comit

Six weeks ago, I joined the Comit Graduate Placement Programme, after finishing my DCU Masters in Public Relations and Strategic Communications. I didn’t know what to expect when I started working in Comit, but I can without a doubt say that it has been the greatest learning experience. The PR internship provided me with a unique opportunity to work in the exciting world of tech PR and witness first-hand how innovative businesses are leading the way and transforming the tech industry.

What I have been up to?

As an intern in Comit, I have a range of tasks and responsibilities and no two days are the same. In my first week, I had the opportunity to attend an offsite day with the team. The day began with a Comit strategy meeting followed by SEO training. This provided me with the opportunity to read and discuss the Comit strategy and gain an insight into the importance of SEO for PR.

The second half of the day was spent taking part in Techies4TempleStreet where we completed a digital treasure hunt which took us all around Dublin 4 with a goal of raising money for Temple Street Children’s Hospital.

While every week isn’t this exciting, there is a never a boring day in work. My day to day tasks range from writing and issuing press releases as well as updating social media and working with Account Managers on client projects.

I have the opportunity to attend client photoshoots and recently attended one in the Ricoh Ireland Document Production Centre for a press release that I had the pleasure of issuing. A highlight of the week is attending team lunches every Friday where we go for lunch and take a break from the office environment.

Importance of relationships

Working in Comit has opened my eyes to how important relationships are in the PR industry. It is true when they say relationships are the cornerstone to success in PR. Through every phone conversation or email, Comit is cultivating relationships and building trust with journalists and media personnel. Whether it is going for a coffee, sending a note of thanks or wishing someone well, Comit has taught me how invaluable relationships are for long term success.

Keeping your finger on the pulse

Comit’s broad range of clients means there is never a dull day of work in the office. AI, data and digital transformation are just a few of the exciting new technology trends that Comit’s clients are working on. With social media, newspapers and radio, there is a vast number of platforms that keep news constantly flowing. As a newcomer to PR, it is essential to be tuned into the news and to what is happening in the tech world including any breaking tech news. From this, you find newsworthy opportunities for clients and great ideas for helping to promote clients.

Writing skills and attention to detail

It goes without saying that strong English and attention to detail is critical. As an integrated PR and marketing communications agency, there is a variety of tasks that require strong attention to detail. From drafting press releases, scheduling social media content to creating publication lists, all of these require lots of concentration and an excellent command of the English language. Strong writing skills can often make or break an article’s chances of being published.

Celebrate the wins

One of the things I enjoy most about working in Comit is the company atmosphere. From day one, I have been provided with support and encouragement in every task that I’m given. There isn’t a week that goes by where I don’t get the opportunity to work closely with everybody in the team, from Account Managers to Directors and Managing Directors. Everyone works as a team in Comit and celebrating the big wins to the small wins really makes Comit an enjoyable environment to work in.

Applying for the graduate placement role in Comit has challenged and broadened my insights in the tech PR industry. Each day I learn something new and gain an understanding, all while working in a supportive team environment. Six weeks in and I am definitely looking forward to what the next half brings!

If you want to find out more information about the work that we do, you can contact us here.



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