3 ways to get the message across with PR

Becoming a well-respected organisation amongst your current and future customers, local community and prospective employees is vital for any business. Building and retaining that respect requires multiple elements to align in an organisation’s overall business strategy. One of these should be a strong communications strategy that coherently conveys the purpose and values of the organisation with a consistent message at its core. In this blog, we take a look at the three ways in which your business can manage that message.

Message clarity 

So you have recognised the need to implement a communications strategy, but what next? Successful businesses focus on clear and simple messages that are understandable and consistent. A PR agency can help you to define your company voice, work on message development and create an implementation plan. They will take you through the steps to create a message that is coherent and tailored to target stakeholders. At Comit, we help clients to develop a one-page messaging platform that informs each and every announcement and communication that follows. Keeping it simple, avoiding jargon and placing a focus on business objectives are fundamental to making a brand stand out.

Content strategy

Once you have crafted your key messaging, the next stage is to focus on the information you want to get out there. Whether your business has signed a new partnership, won an award or recently expanded, it is important to regularly share good company news in order to increase your visibility amongst your target audience with the message you want to portray. The best way to do this is through an engaging multi-faceted content strategy that incorporates everything from media announcements and blog posts, to social media and advertising. A PR agency can help you manage each of these elements and therefore raise awareness of your brand and the trust stakeholders place in it.

Employee engagement

Don’t just focus on external communications. Employees can be your greatest brand ambassadors and whether you are a large multi-national or an SME, it is important to constantly communicate with your employees. A dedicated internal communications strategy can boost team members’ pride in the company and make them more likely to spread the word. It can help you to retain staff and attract future team members.

Think about engaging employees in the internal communications strategy by encouraging them to write blog posts about CSR activities they are involved in, or their experiences in their current roles. Sharing media coverage stemming from company announcements can also help to generate positive conversations. By keeping employee satisfaction and your messaging platform at the heart of your internal communications, you can work towards becoming a Great Place to Work.

These are just some of the ways in which managing the message allows businesses to build brand awareness and position themselves ahead of the competition. If you want to find out more about the ways in your PR agency can help you get your message across, you can contact us here.



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