Get writing! How to start a company blog

Company blogs have been around for years now. However, while many organisations have blogs, they can end up neglected or aren’t used to their full potential. There are so many advantages to leveraging the power of blogs. Current and potential customers can get to know more about you and your services while prospective employees can gain an insight into your company culture and workplace atmosphere.

However, possibly the biggest advantage of a great company blog is the boost it gives in terms of Search Engine Optimisation and Google search results. This can make companies stand out, increase demand, and help to grow your customer base and business.

So, how do you begin using blogs to your advantage? We’ve got a list of effective tips below to kickstart your blogging journey.

Come up with keywords

Nowadays, a simple Google search will garner millions of results. So, how do you ensure that your business stands out in such a crowded online world? Identifying the key words that people will search for when looking for your product or service and weaving them into blog posts is a sure-fire way to increase your chances of landing your website on page one of a search engine. Of course, it’s important to remember that keywords shouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb in a blog post or appear too many times so as to seem jarring to the reader. Be specific with key words and choose natural sounding, long tail keywords that fit in with the blog topic. Sometimes, creating the blog titles and sub-headings after the keyword has been picked can help to achieve this.

Variation is key

Brainstorming with your fellow team members as to the type and frequency of your blog posts is a good planning exercise when starting a company blog. It’s good to have a mix of thought-leadership pieces, team news and events or CSR posts that you want to feature online. Coming up with a pipeline of posts is a good idea to keep content varied and make sure you become a regular poster.

Be engaging and compelling 

Make sure you are always crafting engaging content that is tailored to your target audience. In doing so, you will create a loyal readership who become fans of your posts and share your blog with their peers. People trust third party endorsements so writing engaging posts will help to gain traction with potential customers.

Before you set your blog live, consider a few ways that you can elevate your post to the next level, so it has real impact.

Including two or three relevant images throughout your blog post will not only break up longer pieces of text but will also make for some eye-catching social media posts when attracting readers to your site.

Adding hyperlinks to other relevant pages on your website will keep visitors on your page for longer and prompt them to check out more of your website.

No blog is complete without a call to action button. Be that a social media share button, call for feedback or a subscribe button, ending your blog with a call to action is great for generating sales leads or tracking the success of individual posts.


Company blogs still have massive potential for transforming the online presence of businesses if they are crafted properly. Content needs to remain consistent and with the right tone. If you’re interested in setting up a company blog or are looking for some expertise on content creation, you can get in touch with us here.




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