What I didn’t know about PR before I joined Comit

When I was considering making the move from journalism to public relations about two years ago, I wasn’t quite sure of how the industry worked, what exactly a role in PR entailed or where that career path might take me.


Of course, during my years as a journalist and editor, I had liaised with PR companies and received press releases on a daily basis, but I didn’t realise that that’s only one element of what public relations is. I also wasn’t sure about where my experience would place me because, often, changing industries means starting over from scratch.

Here are five things that I didn’t know about PR before I joined Comit…

It’s so much more than writing press releases

I’d be lying if I said that writing isn’t a major part of public relations but it’s not always press releases – it could be website content or a speech for an event – and there’s so much more to it than that! One day you could be writing and issuing a press release but the next you might be pitching campaign ideas to a prospective client or attending interviews between your clients and national media outlets. The list really is endless!

There is room for development

I wasn’t quite sure where I’d fit in terms of my experience within journalism. Would I have to start all over again? Would I even have the required qualifications? What level would I be considered for? I soon realised that there is a clear career path and your experience in other industries does count. From Account Executives (junior and senior) to Account Managers to Account Directors, each role is different but equally rewarding.

Skills are easily transferable

The switch from journalism to public relations is one of the more natural ones but there is also crossover in other areas. If you have the ability to write content, communicate clearly and work as part of a team, PR could be for you. Knowing how journalists work gave me an advantage in my job and I regularly find my non-journalist colleagues coming to me for advice. Organisational skills and creativity are also vital. The key is learning to adapt these skills in a way that works within the public relations field and for the clients you work with.

You work with lots of great people

And I’m not just talking about my Comit colleagues! While public relations does bring together people with different skillsets, which only makes it more collaborative and enjoyable, you also get to work with fantastic clients. From cybersecurity and AI to fintech and medtech, there is so much variety in terms of the companies Comit works with. Moreover, the journalists and editors we liaise with are incredibly talented and open to the stories that we are trying to tell.

Not every PR company is the same

There are lots of different types of PR companies but it has to be said that tech is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world at the moment, which makes it exciting to work in and means lots of opportunities. But Comit is also different in that, as an individual, you’re given opportunities to apply your existing skills and learn new ones. It truly is a team effort and an open environment where everyone’s opinion counts.

If I hadn’t taken the chance and applied for a job in PR, I would never have realised that my experience could be applied in a different industry, nor would I have been given the opportunity to develop new skills and immerse myself in the world of tech – something which was also new to me. A year and half in with Comit and I’ve never looked back.

If Comit sounds like the place for you, we are currently hiring for a Senior Account Executive. Find out more and apply here.

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