Love IT: Comit’s Favourite Technology


As a tech PR agency in Ireland, we like to keep up-to-date with the latest trends, whether it’s the newest smartphone, best camera or the best app. As we are passionate about technology, we decided to take a moment to give a shoutout to our favourite pieces of technology. From cutting edge wearables to old school inventions, here are Comit’s go-to gadgets…


Wonderful Wearables:

Allan and Rebecca are massive fans of their wearable devices from fitness stats to social alerts, theirs have become staples in their daily lives:

Allan: “As my smallest piece of tech hardware, my Apple Watch packs quite a feature-rich punch. My initial interest in an Apple watch was due to swimming, as I am a daily swimmer and need to track my swim distance and time so I can reach my annual goal. I’m a bit of a stat and technology geek, so I love my Apple watch for all its health, fitness and even golf stats – it tells me how far I am from the pin and can recommend the club to play. It’s great for work too, prompting me with appointments, texts, social posts and other notifications with a discrete wrist vibration. It even tells me when my beloved Sligo Rovers have scored, although much more frequently it announces when they have conceded. All of this means that I rarely a need to pull my phone out of my pocket. Oh, I forgot it even tells the time!”

Rebecca: “I’m going to go for my Fitbit (Blaze). It’s just so handy for keeping track of my steps throughout the day and also how effective my gym workouts are. The app is also great for recording sleep patterns, logging water consumption and inputting a food diary so I know where I can be healthier – doesn’t stop me eating chocolate though!”





Listen up

Bronagh’s holy grail piece of technology is the ever-popular podcast app.

Bronagh: “Currently, my favourite app is audible.

Audio books are a godsend for long car journeys with small children! Current favourites are Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl and a selection of David Walliams’ kid stories. I’m listening to a number of things at the moment including “Why we sleep” and “Stephen Fry’s Victorian Secrets”.”



Picture Perfect

Whether it’s capturing a plush landscape or snapping a picture with friends, Comit’s Helen and Luke are big fans of high-quality cameras:

Luke: “I have to hold my hands up and confess that I’m a bit of a magpie when it comes to tech – whatever is new and shiny tends to catch my eye! I’m interested in photography so having a phone capable of taking quality snaps on-the-go is important for me. I recently purchased the new Huawei Mate 20 Pro phone and the quality of the camera has just about allowed me to justify the investment!

Helen: “I apologise for being so obvious, but I love my camera phone – for taking family snaps, or remembering where I parked my car. My current phone was bought solely on its photo-taking credentials. Unfortunately, that means I have amassed a stupid volume of photos, so Google Cloud is my saviour. I am now in the (very slow) process of putting photo albums together, which I expect I’ll complete within the next 90 years.”


Travel Times

Catherine’s favourite piece of technology is one that most people probably take for granted:

Catherine: “It’s got to be Google Maps! I use it constantly, mainly to calculate travel times. It also has real time Luas information which has proven very handy for my morning commute. Of course, it’s useful when I’m travelling for navigating but also for sourcing restaurants, coffee shops and local bars.”




Keeping connected

It’s easy to forget how far technology has progressed in the past. Debbie and Barry have opted for some technology classics as their favourite pieces of tech:

Debbie: “There was groans in the office of “that’s so obvious” but I have to say the iPhone is head and shoulders the best bit of tech ever.  I still remember being shown one (twelve years ago now!) when it was new and was blown away by how intuitive it was.  Is it too much to say it’s changed my life?   It looks after my banking, email, diary, it’s my camera, emergency contact, map, newspaper, t.v., shop, you name it.   Ok, it does come with a dark side; I feel discombobulated when I’ve forgotten it, sometimes it’s unnerving how much it’s become an appendage to my very being (dopamine hit anyone?) and it can be annoying when WhatsApp pings in the middle of then night (repeatedly!) .  But I still wouldn’t be without it!”

Of course all of these gadgets can’t function without high-speed internet which is a favourite of Barry’s:

Barry: “My favourite technology, surprisingly, isn’t a gadget. It’s actually the superfast fibre broadband that was connected to our house last year. It allows us to live in a rural area, yet enjoy all the benefits of high speed connectivity. From watching 4K HD TV to uninterrupted video calls to friends and family abroad, as well as being able to work seamlessly from home, it makes a really positive impact on my home and work life.”




We would love to hear what your favourite piece oftechnology are. Get in touch with us on Twitter, or LinkedIn . If you are interested in joining a fast-paced, technology focused then check out our jobs page where we are always sharing opportunities.


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