The Amazon approach: Using PR for product design

So many technology companies hoping to follow in the footsteps of industry giants like Amazon don’t realise that one of the secrets to their success is using PR to write the press release before designing the product.

Amazon’s “working backwards” approach makes the team think about what the press release might include when the product or service is ready to launch. By thinking about the PR at an earlier stage, it is easier to identify any issues, evaluate customer demand, develop something that delivers exactly what is needed and refine the company messaging.

In other words, it means that the groundwork is done on paper before anything is put into practice in terms of product or service development. If the press release ticks the boxes and sounds exciting, it’s a good indicator that the product or service is worth taking to the next stage. If not, then money and time is saved.

In essence, Amazon has placed PR at the centre of its business strategy. Public relations is all about providing an audience with clear and relevant information in a way that generates interest and excitement in a new product or service. The process of writing a press release also makes teams think about customer requirements and benefits.

So, how can you replicate a well-crafted press release like the technology giant? Keep reading for a few of Comit’s top tips!













1. Choose your audience

At the core of Amazon’s approach is the process of identifying a target audience and designing products around what these specific consumers need and want. Audience is equally important when writing a press release. Before drafting a press release, it’s important to identify who you want to target as the desired reader. This will also determine your media outlets of choice. Perhaps you want coverage in a consumer-facing publication or plan to focus on a particular industry vertical – this will dictate not only which publications you approach with the story but also the tone and language that you use in writing the press release. Picking the right style is vital to peaking the interest of your target audience.

2. Keep it simple

The most successful technology products or services aren’t the ones with hundreds of needless features. Instead they focus on simple designs that solve real problems for customers. Using public relations is a way to ensure that you keep your message simple – both in terms of your company’s core values and the description of your products and services. Press releases must be clear, concise and attention-grabbing. That’s why writing a press release about your product or service can help you to identify whether it has potential value to your desired customer. After all, the aim is to create something that is successful.

3. Identify key messages

It’s important that press releases are succinct and incorporate key messages about your product or service and the wider organisation. Writing a press release that is centered around these messages helps to keep you in check in terms of your messaging and ensures that what you’re telling the reader is completely relevant to what you’re doing. A major benefit of writing the press release before designing the product is that you are focusing on what you want create and whether there is a need for it. In this respect, it’s necessary to be honest and critical. In the end, your next product or service launch will reap the rewards.

4. Remember the five Ws

The beauty of a well-written press release is that it includes all of the information a reader needs in a short piece of writing. PR gets straight to the point and informs the reader of exactly what they need to know about the given subject. How is this achieved? Answering the five Ws (who, what, where, when and why) in a press release is a great way to make sure you’re including the relevant information needed. It also highlights if there is anything that you are missing or if you are leaving any questions unanswered.

So there you have it, with Amazon’s backwards approach and Comit’s PR tips, you are set for your next product or service to make a real impact.

If you’re interested in seeing what public relations can do for your business, Comit has a track record of proven results for Irish technology companies. If you want to get in touch, contact us here.




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