9 essentials in the daily life of a PR pro

Attending lavish corporate events, going on press junkets and getting a load of freebies along the way – that’s the life of a PR professional in a nutshell, right? Well, not really. While we’re not ones to shy away from a good old-fashioned soiree, there is quite a bit more to daily life in a tech PR agency. And if you’re results-driven, it makes it a lot more rewarding.

So what does a typical day in a public relations and marketing agency like Comit look like? Every day is completely different, but here are nine things that we do on a regular basis.


1. Making the news

…or, as client director Barry’s children put it, “making up stories”.

We are in constant contact with our clients to find out what they are up to and whether or not it’s a story worth sharing with the media. From company growth to new innovations, we make sure our clients’ hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.


2. Press releases

Not a day goes by in our PR agency when we are not writing or issuing a press release. Often our first means of telling journalists about a story, our press releases need to be well-written with pithy headlines that are backed up by compelling facts and figures.

3. Getting wordy

We don’t just write press releases – we also contribute to client blogs, thought leadership pieces, case studies and web content. Many of our clients work in highly technical fields and it’s up to us to translate what they do into compelling, thought-provoking content.

4. Talking to journalists

Our relationship with national, tech and business journalists is just one of the reasons why our clients are so happy with us as a tech PR agency. Whether pitching press releases to them, setting up interviews or discussing story angles, we make sure our stories fit into what journalists are writing and talking about.

5. Counting the coverage

We won’t deny it: we love seeing the coverage roll in and sharing it with our clients. We only approach journalists with stories that we feel will interest them and their audience – and our coverage always reflects this. It’s deeply satisfying to show our clients the volume and quality of coverage we can generate for them.

6. Digital marketing

We use a multi-faceted approach in boosting businesses’ profiles. That means driving their social media and online strategies. In doing so, we help our clients to produce exciting content and posts that will reach and resonate with their target audience.

7. Capturing it on camera


We love getting creative and we work with some of Ireland’s best press photographers to bring client news to life. You will often find us attending photo shoots armed with props and a large dose of imagination to help bring our stories alive. This photo with Pure Telecom even got selected as an Irish Times image of the day!

8. Networking and events

We’re a sociable bunch and love to network with people in the same industry as us, brush up our knowledge at conferences and cheer on clients at swanky awards ceremonies. Later this month, we will be joining a client who is a finalist at the annual EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards gala dinner. He is nominated in the International category.

9. Having fun

Both with our clients and each other, we put a big emphasis on making sure we enjoy ourselves every step of the way. Whether it’s taking part in charity events like Techies4TempleStreet or heading down to the local, it’s all about balance in Comit!


If life at Comit sounds appealing to you, be sure to keep an eye on our PR Jobs page; opportunities are always popping up!

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