Hitch yourself to a rocket

This blog isn’t anything to do with a mission to find new life on the far side of the moon. It’s far more exciting; here’s how to further your career in the world of technology.

The future has never been so now. The tech sector in Ireland is thriving. In July alone, more than 2,200 technology jobs were announced, double the previous month, proof that the career opportunities in the tech industry in Ireland are stellar.

Online retail giant Amazon made news headlines when it acquired the former Jacobs factory in Tallaght. Investments and “deals done” among tech giants fill column inches weekly and, according to Irish Jobs, IT jobs listings have skyrocketed in Ireland this year, with banking, fintech and telecoms showing most growth. You get the picture; business is booming in Ireland’s tech sector.

Homegrown and multinational tech companies

Homegrown tech names like eircom, Datapac and ICON are familiar sights in the media, alongside the globally recognised brands. How many multinational tech companies can you name with headquarters in Ireland? Take a deep breath. There’s PayPal, eBay, Intel, HP, IBM, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Airbnb, Dropbox, Etsy and Amazon.

Jaw-dropping figures have also made the tech news. A major investment from Apple will soon see a €700m renewable energy data centre developed in Galway, while Facebook plans to build a €200m data centre in Meath.

A new tech generation

Ireland is also cementing its reputation as a digital hub and the European counterpart to Silicon Valley. The country has recognised the importance of tech and there’s a huge focus on developing relevant skills among the younger generations, for example through CoderDojo, which is a volunteer-led coding movement for young people.

At CoderDojo’s DCU branch, Lauren Boyle was appointed EU Digital Girl of the Year 2014. She has already developed three websites, is a founder of Cool Kids Studio and recently launched her own app, Cool STEAM Kids. She’s also an advocate for girls in STEM. Oh and just to make you feel like a dinosaur, she’s only 10 years old.

Career opportunities in tech

The majority of us aren’t and weren’t 10 year old tech genii (particularly this blog author, who had to google the plural of genius. Sad face emoji) but there are ways to be part of the fast-paced, innovative and frankly awe-inspiring world of technology. One of these is to develop a PR and marketing career in tech.

Technology PR and social media marketing

Working in tech PR and social media and digital marketing puts you front and centre when it comes to new products and services in the tech sector. You’ll become au fait with terms like cloud, apps and anything “as a service”. You’ll get to know Irish and global leaders in the sector and work with amazing media who love technology.

If you’re interested in hitching yourself to the soaring rocket that is the tech sector, get in touch. We’re expanding our team and looking for an Account Manager and Account Executive. Click here for more details.

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