The growing emphasis on technology in Ireland

With continued expansion of the tech industry in Ireland, Comit takes a look at the importance of public relations, digital marketing and marketing communications in this ever-growing industry.

The growing emphasis on technology in Ireland - the importance of public relations, digital marketing, marketing communicationsIt is no secret that Ireland has become a digital hub in recent years, with significant growth continuing throughout 2015. We’ve seen new entrants in the market – New Relic, AdRoll and SmartBear, to name a few, and growth from established players like PayPal, Facebook and SAP. We are now the closest thing in the world to a Silicon Valley rival.

Already home to these and other big names like Apple, Google, eBay and Intel, we are seeing the list of technology companies here grow each week.

The Harvard Business Review recently named Ireland as a ‘standout’ country in terms of where the digital economy is moving at its fastest. Israel, Singapore and Hong Kong are among the other names on this list.

From a communications perspective, this growing emphasis presents a huge opportunity for companies here to tell their stories to businesses and consumers alike.

The continued growth of the industry has played a major part in our economic recovery, and more and more people are being employed through these companies’ presence, directly or indirectly.

Growing emphasis on the industry

The growing emphasis on the world of tech and the proliferation of tech companies in Ireland has led to the industry receiving an increased focus in the media.

National outlets across print, broadcast and online are placing a heavier focus on the industry and are weaving tech into other news sections, such as business, property and even sport. We have also seen significant growth in podcasts, news outlets and blogs centred on technology.

Get the right people in your PR corner

The tricky part is making yourself heard above the noise – the noise being the hundreds of other tech companies vying for visibility and their share of the market. The best approach is to engage in a 360 degree, multi-platform communication including – public relations, digital marketing and marketing communications.

As Ireland continues to harness the digital revolution, positioning your organisation in the right way to the right people will become an integral part of your strategy.

To do this, you need the right communications team supporting you, who can design and execute a complete package to get your message out there and maximise ROI.

If you’re working in the tech industry in Ireland and want your story told, why not get in touch with a member of the Comit team?

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