Engaging with the customer: The power of testimonials

There is a lot of competition to reach customers in the vast mall of the internet. Positive reviews and ratings can make the sales process shorter and increase the reputation and trustworthiness of your brand.  This is why testimonials are an invaluable asset when it comes to encouraging people to buy your product or service.

Which type of testimonial?

When it comes to testimonials, both written and video have a strong impact.  Both provide a potential customer with an honest perspective on what you are selling.  Video is costlier, but more arresting. Excellent visuals and sound can showcase and demonstrate your product or service in a clear and engaging way.

Video is more effective

Here are the proven facts behind the use of video:

  • Google ranks a video 53 times more than a written text
  • There is almost 46% increase in conversion rates of video than text
  • According to Facebook’s best practice guide, a video post generates 100% more engagement than a written post

Before you begin work on your testimonial, choose your angle:

  • Customer testimonials – from your average customer or client, describing their experience of your product or service. Generally this would be the most effective in generating revenue for your company.
  • Expert testimonials – a testimonial where a person or organisation that is a recognised authority in your area of business highlights the merits of your company.
  • Celebrity testimonial – which may be the least credible, but nevertheless would contribute to a good marketing strategy

Creating a powerful testimonial

Here’s a quick guide to producing a high quality, believable testimonial that gets the results you want.

Gathering testimonials

For B2Bs, if you have just completed a successful project with a satisfied client, now is the time to ask them if they would be involved in a video or written testimonial with hard facts of how it has helped. For B2Cs, why not ask a few customers if they can comment on how the product or service impacted their lives with their name, age and a picture. This will enhance the credibility of the testimonial and allows your prospect to identify with different demographics.


Rather than including a testimonial that says “your printer saves money” it is more effective to add proof: “Your printer is brilliant for me because it worked twice as long as its competitors and saved me €900 in energy costs.”

Positioning of testimonials

Include your strongest testimonials on the front and centre of your website homepage. Testimonial pages that include case studies can properly showcase your brand’s brilliance and unique selling point.

Social media

SME or enterprise, social media is an effective platform to share testimonials and create awareness of your goods and services.

And some things to avoid…

  • Do not invent a testimonial, as this is fraud and can damage your brand in the long-term.
  • Do not edit testimonials – if you can’t insert the testimonial as provided, then don’t include it.
  • Do not use a testimonial without author’s permission.

In conclusion…

Testimonials provide real feedback for prospects that can identify with real, happy customers. They shine through corporate spin and marketing speak to resonate with potential shoppers. It is low cost advertising and an effective way to fast track your customer through the sales process.

If you would like any more information on how to utilise testimonials for your business, please feel free to contact us.

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