The Digital Spectrum – Effective Content Marketing

Welcome to the second instalment of our Digital Spectrum blog series where we discuss content marketing, how it can liven up your website and increase sales potential. Figures show the average website conversion rate from content marketing users is 2.90%, so it’s worth creating strong content.

Attract passers-by
Your website is your storefront and if your content stays the same week-on-week, there is nothing new to attract people inside. A good website has regularly updated, interesting and high quality content.

Google algorithms favour your website based on regular, helpful content, consistent social signals and signs that your site is alive and growing. It also likes increased authority connected to your body of work.

Creating content to sell your brand
There is effective content waiting to be created for your company. Product reviews and video demos create interest from customers. Testimonials build trust and increase your reputation within your industry. Job posts accompanied by an insight blog from somebody in the company can attract a higher calibre of job-seeker.

Company announcements in the form of press releases are a key way to attract visitors to your website. If these are regularly updated and shared on your social media platforms, they will encourage engagement. The online community will become aware of your website and continue to visit.

Visibility across multiple platforms
The beauty of one engaging piece of content is that it can be used across multiple platforms. A press release or company announcement can be tailored to use for a blog, a testimonial, a link to share in your LinkedIn profile, while quotes and shorter snippets can be used as posts for Twitter. You can even share releases, blogs and testimonials via email marketing with key audiences.

It is worth noting that the average lifespan of a Twitter post is 2.8 hours while a Facebook post lasts just 5 hours. Therefore, one blog can provide social media content for days.

Answer FAQs
Engage your sales team, helpdesk or customer service team in compiling this content. Ask your colleagues for a list of FAQs relating to your products or services. If a customer visits your website and finds it already anticipates your needs, they will be more likely to trust your product and close the sale.

Using images and video to attract users
Research shows that blogs with images receive 94% more views than those without. Social media updates that include images get far more likes, retweets and shares. Why else would Facebook have paid $1 billion for Instagram?

Our eyes are naturally drawn to images while text takes a bit more concentration.

So if your company is highly technical or your content is riddled with industry jargon, it won’t be easy for customers to read or understand. Infographics (graphics containing text) are a great way to get your message across. Use brand colours, clear graphics and simple text to give your target market a strong idea of why they need your product or service.

Video is engaging and a way to easily demonstrate your product, your expert knowledge and gain a competitive advantage in the B2B market. A YouTube video has a lifespan of about three months and can be used across multiple platforms, including your own website.

If you would like to find out more about Comit’s integrated approach to digital marketing where we can take care of all your digital and PR communications, check out our Comit360 service.


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