The Digital Spectrum – Advertising your brand online

Advertising is nothing new. There’s a whole TV show about it. Everyone is familiar with the impact a full page advertisement in a national newspaper or 30 seconds of clear messaging on a well-received radio programme has.

Online advertising is no different. Digital is a relatively new medium, but the mechanics of advertising remain the same. It differs because online advertising is increasingly targeted and means you can refine your spend more. A website takeover, a cleverly placed MPU or retargeting ads can all increase your brand recognition and your sales.

Standing out in a competitive market
If your website is used as a point of sale or to generate leads, it can benefit from paid advertising. An Adwords campaign can place your name in top ranking results on Google, the most globally used search engine. Getting your target audience to visit your website is the first step. Closing the sale when they visit the site is the next.

Retargeting to remind the customer
Retargeting ads literally follow a user around once they have visited your website and left without converting. These ads are not intrusive like pop-ups, they show up on ad spaces on your target audience’s most visited websites and serve as a gentle reminder to get back to your website and close the deal.

Generate strong leads
If your website does not offer a point of sale or checkout option, it can be used to capture information to generate leads and create customers. Online advertising can be used to direct leads to a landing page on your website with an option to fill in your contact details for further information. Use this to create a database of leads. Use that then for further content marketing and push them through the pipeline and convert to happy customers.

Don’t waste your budget
Before you spend money on advertising online, make sure your website is not going to work against you. Ensure your information is up to date and correct, make sure links work properly and that your pages load quickly.

The online community is increasingly impatient. The average wait time worldwide is about 6 seconds and in the US, this drops to 3.5 seconds. If your page is slow to load, people will abandon their visit and bounce from your site, wasting your budget and damaging your brand in the process.

To round up…
Thank you for joining us for our digital marketing series, we really hope you enjoyed reading our blogs and gained some useful information when it comes to your organisation and digital marketing. If you need any pointers, contact us here.


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