5 factors to consider when choosing your tech PR agency

Trying to pick a public relations agency is hard work and trying to choose a tech PR agency can be even trickier because it is such a specialist discipline. Half the battle of successful public relations is the agency you choose and that’s why it’s extremely important to find the right fit for your company.

Often the big question a company has to ask is whether a specialist tech PR agency, a more general agency or even a large international agency would be best. Below you’ll find what we consider to be the main factors in choosing your PR agency.

1. Strong relationships with business and technology journalists
Ensure that they have genuinely strong relationships with the relevant technology, business and other media contacts for your business. The agency’s engagement with journalists needs to be personable, positive and trusted. The last thing you want is for a press release, which has taken several hours to write and approve, to be sent and lost amid hundreds of others in a journalist’s bulging inbox. Knowing simple things like what each journalist likes to write about and when they like to receive information is crucial and can mean the difference between securing great coverage or not.

2. Experience
Experience in any industry is important but when choosing a PR agency in a specialised area such as technology, it is paramount that they have relevant experience and know what they’re talking about. Finding out how long have they been in the tech PR industry and how much long term retained business they do can help you to determine just how experienced and successful the agency is.

3. Knowledge
In the world of technology PR it is important to have an understanding of the basics of your technology, your business and your market. Having to explain the ins and outs of cloud computing to your account manager, for example, would probably get a little tiresome after a while. So use an agency which can understand and write about your technology but who avoid the use of overly technical language which can alienate journalists and readers with jargon.

4. Size of agency
In a large international agency it can be very easy to become a small fish in a very large pond. Smaller agencies often outperform larger agencies as they have the drive, expertise and entrepreneurial passion to succeed and get the best possible results for their clients.

5. Services offered
As tech audiences consume a lot of content via digital channels, your approach should take this into account. By choosing an agency who can provide PR services and give a holistic approach integrating digital marketing you can save a considerable amount of time and money. Keeping your keywords up to date mean better SEO and more visibility for your website. This reinforces your messaging to your target audience across all channels.

So in summary, size does not matter but connections, experience, and knowledge should be considered fundamental decision makers. Keep the above in mind and you’ll be five steps closer to finding the perfect PR agency for your company. If you have any other insights, ideas or suggestions please feel free to leave them in the box below. If you have any questions for us, contact us here.

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