Employer Branding

Showcasing what kind of organisation yours is is a clever way to boost awareness, engage customers and attract talent.

Establishing high profile employer branding is the best and most cost-effective way to successfully recruit and retain the best employees – which, in turn, will help your company to stand out from the crowd and improve your offering to customers.

One of the great challenges for the technology industry in Ireland at present is the ability to attract talented people with relevant technical skills. Moreover, the sustainability sector is a fast-evolving and highly competitive space.

A strong employer reputation is created by proactive and sustained communications delivered to audiences both outside and inside your company. Comit has in-depth experience developing PR campaigns which complement the work being carried out by HR but ultimately bring the client’s brand and messaging closer to a much wider audience.

Making an impact

A previous PR and digital marketing campaign by Comit directly helped a client to attract 27 new employees into their business in a wide number of key strategic technical and management roles. It also played a key role in monitoring and building loyalty in the existing team.

Our employer branding campaigns also make a great impression on existing employees, driving both retention and pride and motivation.

Internal branding is also a key part of employee retention. Building a brand and culture starts with your internal communication, and keeps your employees informed and engaged. Comit can develop internal communications and digital content to ensure relationships are developed and nurtured with all key stakeholders, including employees, customers, partners and shareholders.